1. Jian Kang, Jinghan He, Zhengfang Chen, Huiyang Yu, Jinyao Chen, Feng Yang, Ya Cao,Ming Xiang. Investigation on the crystallization behavior and polymorphic composition of isotactic polypropylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube composites nucleated with β-nucleating agent. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119 (3): 1769-1780, 2015.
2. Jian Kang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinyao Chen, Feng Yang, Ya Cao,Ming Xiang. Influences of preordered melt structures on the crystallization behavior and polymorphic composition of β-nucleated isotactic polypropylene with different stereo-defect distribution. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132(40):1599-1608, 2015..
3. Lei Yu, Tong Wu, Tian Chen , Feng Yang,Ming Xiang,Polypropylene random copolymer in pipe application: Performance improvement with controlled molecular weight distribution, Thermochimica Acta , 2014,578:43
4. Jian Kang, Bin Wang, Hongmei Peng, Jingping Li, Jinyao Chen, Jinggang Gai, Ya Cao, Huilin Li, Feng Yang,Ming Xiang. Investigation on the dynamic crystallization and melting behavior of β-nucleated isotactic polypropylene with different stereo-defect distribution—the role of dual-selective β-nucleation agent. Polymers for Advanced Technologies 25 (1), 97-107, 2014.
5. Jian Kang, Bin Wang, Hongmei Peng, Jinyao Chen, Ya Cao, Huilin Li, Feng Yang,Ming Xiang. Investigation on the structure and crystallization behavior of controlled-rheology polypropylene with different stereo-defect distribution. Polymer Bulletin 71 (3), 563-579, 2014.
6. Jian Kang, Hongmei Peng, Bin Wang, Zhengfang Chen, Jingping Li, Jinyao Chen, Ya Cao, Huilin Li, Feng Yang,Ming Xiang. Comparative study on the crystallization behavior of β-isotactic polypropylene nucleated with different β-nucleation agents —effects of thermal conditions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131 (7), 40115, 2014.
7. Jian Kang, Gengsheng Weng, Zhengfang Chen, Jinyao Chen, Ya Cao, Feng Yang,Ming Xiang. New understanding in the influence of melt structure and β-nucleating agents on the polymorphic behavior of isotactic polypropylene. RSC Advances 4, 29514-29526, 2014.
8. Lei Yu, Feng Yang,Ming Xiang. Phase separation in a PSf/DMF/water system: a proposed mechanism for macrovoid formation. RSC Advances, 2014,4, 42391-42402.
9. Tong Wu,Ming Xiang, Ya Cao, Jian Kang , Feng Yang,Pore formation mechanism of β nucleated polypropylene stretched membranes,RSC Advances 2014,4, 36689-36701
10. Tong Wu, Ya Cao, Feng Yang,Ming Xiang, Investigation on double yielding behavior under tensile loading in isotactic polypropylene, Materials & Design (2014),60:153-163
11. Feng Yang, Huilin Li, Liaoyuan Cai, Fan Lan,Ming Xiang, Degradation and Stabilization of Co-POM,Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2009,48(5):530.
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