1.Yan Zhang, Xuezhi Zhao, Peihui Han, Tianlei He, Hongyao Yin, Liyuan Zhang*, Yujun Feng*, David A. Weitz*. Rock-on-a-chip: “Seeing” the association/disassociation of an adaptive polymer in solutions flowing through porous media. Lab on a chip, 2023, 23, 2808-2818.
2. Yan Zhang, Xuezhi Zhao, Peihui Han, Liyuan Zhang, David A. Weitz, Yujun Feng*. Visualization of adaptive polymer flow and displacement in medium-permeable 3D core-on-a-chip. Petroleum Science, 2023, 20, 1018-1029.
3. Ziyang Su, Yu Zhang, Weidong Liu, Ruijing Han, Xuezhi Zhao, Xiaohuo Shi, Xingyu Lu, Yan Zhang*, Yujun Feng*. A quantitative approach to determine hydrophobe content of associating polyacrylamide using a fluorescent probe. Molecules, 2023, 28, 4152.
4. Yan Zhang, Yujun Feng*, Bo Li, Peihui Han. Enhancing oil recovery from low-permeability reservoirs with a self-adaptive polymer: A proof-of-concept study. Fuel, 2019, 251, 136-146.
5. Yan Zhang, Hongyao Yin*, Yujun Feng*. Oppositely charged polyelectrolyte complexes for high-salinity hydrofracking fluid. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58, 18488-18497.
6. Nanjun Lai*, Yan Zhang, Qing Zhou, Zhongbin Ye, Chun Wei, Fanhua Zen. Interaction of dendrimer-based polymer with sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate: Characterization and effect on properties of composites. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30, 9362-9371.
7. Nanjun Lai*, Yan Zhang, Fanhua Zeng, Tao Wu, Ning Zhou, Qian Xu, Zhongbin Ye. Effect of degree of branching on the mechanism of hyperbranched polymer to establish the residual resistance factor in high-permeability porous media. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30, 5576–5584.
8. Nanjun Lai*, Yan Zhang, Qian Xu, Ning Zhou, Hongjiang Wang, Zhongbin Ye. A water-soluble hyperbranched copolymer based on a dendritic structure for low-to-moderate permeability reservoirs. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 32586–32597.
9. Nanjun Lai*, Yan Zhang, Tao Wu, Ning Zhou, Yanqin Liu, Zhongbin Ye. Effect of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate to the displacement performance of hyperbranched polymer. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2016, 89, 70–79.